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LOVEOLVE: Changing The World One Act of LOVE At A Time

Kelli Delaney Kot • January 21, 2023
A woman is smiling while sitting at a table with brushes.

"Words hold power,"shares LOVEVOLVE philanthropic founder, artist, and mother, Sunny Stack Goode.This is why she created LOVEVOLVE, a collection emblazoned with four letters L-O-V-E.The idea behind LOVEVOLVE is based on research that shows seeing positive words can have a significant influence on your life. During Covid, Sunny launched LOVEVOLVE LLC where products came to life from her art therapy paintings using the words LOVE and EVOLVE."By sharing LOVE through our actions, products, and partnerships we strive to build healthier families, safer relationships, and stronger communities. I created our LOVE Swaddle mission, seeking to wrap every baby in a LOVE swaddle blanket from the moment of birth, and to provide new parents and families with critical relationship resources through our partnership with the One LoveFoundation. Science tells us words can change the brain permanently which means by simply and consistently displaying LOVE, we can build a more loving world."

A baby is wrapped in a colorful blanket and smiling.

In September 2020, HCA Henrico Doctor's Hospital wasthe first facility to implement the Love Swaddle® missionby wrapping new borns in the Love Swaddle after theirfirst bath. Once bathed, the new borns are handed over totheir parent/s in this bright, beautiful, love adornedblanket. Shortly after, Bon Secours Mercy Health St.Mary's Hospital joined the Love Swaddle® movement.The Love Swaddle® is made with 100% organic cotton muslin and is gifted with a card that illustrates a "how to swaddle" graphic and 10 signs of a healthy relationship from the One Love Foundation.

After leaving an unhealthyrelationship in 2017 and beingdiagnosed with early breast cancerin 2018, Sunny worked through aparalyzing creative block with arttherapy, which turned into acollection that literally wrapseveryone with love. "Myexperiences also inspired me to usemy art to help others, whether it’sdonating LOVE swaddles to parentsof newborns through my One LoveFoundation or spreading love viamural projects in cities both largeand small."LOVEVOLVE muralshave become an incredible part ofthe LOVEVOLVE mission tospread LOVE throughoutcommunities. Sunny recentlypartnered with the NashvilleChildren's Alliance to paint aLOVEVOLVE mural.She has alsopainted murals in Atlanta and inVirginia andworks to paint brightcolor combinations of her LOVEpattern on buildings to serve as avisual reminder to stop and love.

She utilizes her artwork to inspire social change bypromoting relationship health at birth.Research showsthat seeing positive words like "LOVE" can changeyour brain, leading to more compassion for yourselfand others, increased resiliency, thinking more clearly,enhanced creativity, and communicating with othersmore authentically.Her artwork is printed onto textileswith interest primarily in the intangible aspects of herwork, and the energy around the pieces. Sunnyshares,"If you literally wrap a baby in the word LOVE, sendthem home from the hospital with a visual dailyreminder for parents, while also connecting the familyto the One Love Foundation for relationship healtheducation, what are the societal and emotional effects?To date 15,800 babies have been wrapped in LOVE.”

A baby blanket with a peace sign teething ring attached to it

HRES: Tell us about the LOVE Swaddle Hospital Blanket Program: Delivering Babies Wrapped in LOVE?

Sunny: The hospital blanket program is available to all places where babies are born. We want to empower doctors, maternity ward nurses, doulas and midwives to be the first point of contact for giving LOVE and shedding light on relationship health. Through this program, parents are given a LOVE Swaddle blanket for their newborn, as well as information and resources encourage healthy relationships. 5% of our annual net profits from the Hospital LOVE Swaddle® Program are donated to the One Love Foundation.

HRES: What is the philosophy behind your Love Swaddle Mission?

Sunny: Our philosophy is simple. When a newborn is wrapped in a joyful visual cue to love at birth, and a mother is given resources for relationship health, there is awareness. This awareness is the beginning of change. The more awareness we give to relationship health at birth, the less child abuse will occur. This will lessen trauma, and eventually lower domestic violence, which is a learned behavior. This one simple act can break a cycle. HRES: Where did you study art and psychology? Sunny: I obtained a BA in Art History from Hollins University and a certificate on the physiological and psychological effects of color through the IACC-NA in California.

HRES: Please tell us about the LOVEVOLVE Grief Blankets?

Sunny:The Grief Blanket is made of the same material and pattern as the LOVE Swaddle, but is exclusively for parents that experience a fetal demise. This blanket is not sold or advertised

anywhere. The variety of colors were chosen to illustrate enlightenment and transcendence. Providing a gift for a nurse to give a grieving parent is a very compassionate act. This blanket has proved to be twofold: support for the parent and nurses. It is also given with a support card for future reference, as everyone gives differently.

HRES: How else can readers support your mission?

Sunny: We offer a beautiful online gift shop of pillows, towels, cards, rugs, books, and gifts. By purchasing our products and supporting our partners, you are changing the world with an act of LOVE. We are truly grateful for your support.

HRES: You also have a transcendental meditation outlet as well?

Sunny: Yes. "Our 'Stop And Love' TM movement seeks to support each of us in remembering that in any moment on any given day, we have the individual power to STOP and choose LOVE: as a friend, as a partner, as a parent, as a family, as a citizen and as a world."

HRES: Where can readers view your artwork?

Sunny: My artwork is currently represented by art dealers in Virginia, Georgia, and Washington, DC. Original artwork can be found in private and corporate collections across the country.

Please visit for more information and follow @lovevolvelle

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